My comments:
The jungle refers to the big forest with many large plants growing close and thick together amongst which animals of all colors and ilk thrive, or, for some, merely trying to survive.
Those that thrive are the stronger species or stronger members of a species – while the weakest strive to survive another day. Here the Darwinian law of “survival of the fittest” applies. The strong prey on the weak – beat them and eat them, no questions asked.
In human politics, the rule of the jungle is equivalent to the saying that says “might is right”. In other words, stronger nations can do whatever it wants to smaller and weaker nations, moral or immoral.
“Sure, the U.S. is by far and way the biggest cat in the jungle” – America, as the single superpower, does just that.
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About the author:
Zhang Xin(張欣) has been with China Daily since 1988, when he graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Write him at:, or raise a question for potential use in a future column.