10. 《到燈塔去》 作者:弗吉尼亞·伍爾夫
To the Lighthouse by Virginia Woolf
Ria Samartzi: It’s a book about a family holidaying on the Isle of Wight and several people who have come to stay with him. I like the way it moves through the different characters’ minds as if there were a camera present. It’s very cinematic. You don’t have to deal with the ugliness of the subway when you’re reading.
推薦人里亞·薩馬茨(Ria Samartzi):這本書講述了拉姆齊一家人和幾位客人在維特島 (Isle of Wight)度假的故事 。我喜歡這種意識流小說,就像面前有一臺攝像機,在不同的人物前推進,很有電影的味道。讀這本書的時候,你不用再去管臟兮兮的地鐵。
(翻譯:BISTU王欣 編輯:Julie)