Twelve people with hearing disabilities received their drivers' licenses on Friday, becoming the first group of people with hearing disabilities to earn their licenses in Shanxi province, Taiyuan Evening News reported.
In May, the traffic police authority in the provincial capital of Taiyuan released a new regulation, allowing people with hearing difficulties take the drivers' exam.
Lei Xuefeng and her husband were the first to take advantage of the regulation. They've watched friends and family buy cars in recent years and wanted a car as well.
The couple, along with 11 other people with hearing problems, signed up for the driving courses as soon as they become aware of the new regulation in May. Only one person failed the test in December.
Driving coach Hao Guoqing said it is not easy to teach people with hearing disabilities how to drive. They have to communicate through sign language interpreters.
New drivers are required to wear hearing aids while driving.
According to the newspaper, people with disabilities have received drivers' license since April 2010, when the first group of disabled people was allowed to take the driving exam in Taiyuan.