Tourists wait to board
Shanghai's magnetic levitation train to Pudong airport, September 2006. US
President George W. Bush cleared the way for a private sector sale to
China of high-tech products linked to its railway system and its testing
of parts for Boeing aircraft. [AFP]
Washington - US President George W. Bush cleared the way for a private sector
sale to China of high-tech products linked to the country's railway system
and testing of parts for Boeing aircraft.
In a legally required ruling, Bush certified that the sale "is not
detrimental to the US space launch industry" and "will not measurably improve
the missile or space launch capabilities of the People's Republic of China."
The move clears the way for the sale of 20 Honeywell accelerometers to be
incorporated into railway geometry measurement systems for China's Ministry of
Railways; and equipment and technology associated with the production and
testing of composite components for Boeing commercial aircraft.
The US Departments of State, Commerce, Defense and Energy reviewed the
proposed sales under a US law that requires a presidential certification to
Congress with regard to exports of certain dual-use items to China.
They found that these exports do not pose a threat to US national security or
the US space launch industry and will not provide a direct or indirect benefit
that improves measurably China's missile, space missile launch, or
anti-satellite capabilities, a White House official said.